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Ward 5 Sidewalk Restoration Projects
As part of DDOT’s commitment to the improvement and restoration of local sidewalks, construction activities will occur at the following locations throughout the next two weeks.
1. 10th NE between Lawrence Street NE and Monroe Street NE
2. Lawrence Street NE between 9th Street NE and 12th Street NE
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WARD 5 Pavement Restoration Projects
Ward 5
10th Street NE between Newton Street NE and Otis Street NE
11th Place NE between Holbrook Ter NE and Raum Street NE
17th Street NE between Benning Road NE and Bladensburg Road NE/Mount Olivet Road NE
19th Street NE between Gales Street NE and Benning Road NE
1st Street NE between Urell Place NE and Varnum Street NE
3rd Street NE between N Street NE and Florida Avenue NE
4th Street NW between Q Street NW and R Street NW
9th Street NE between Brentwood Road NE/V Street NE and T Street NE
9th Street NE between Bunker Hill Road NE and Michigan Avenue NE
9th Street NE between Jackson Street NE and Kearny Street NE
Bladensburg road NE between Banneker Drive NE and 35th Street NE
Bunker Hill Road NE between Michigan Avenue NE and 9th Street NE
Capitol Avenue NE between Central Place NE and Providence Street NE
Capitol Avenue NE between Kendall Street NE and Central Place NE
Channing Street NE between Douglas Street NE and 17th Street NE
Downing Place NE between Adams Street NE and 14th Street NE
Eastern Avenue NE between Bladensburg Road NE and Fort Lincoln Drive NE
Farragut Street NE between Emerson Street NE and Driveway-58023152.
Fort Lincoln Drive NE between Summit Court NE and Eastern Avenue NE
Galloway Street NE between Sargent Road NE and Eastern Avenue NE
Girard Street NE between 17th Street NE and 18th Street NE
Girard Street NE between 9th Street NE and 10th Street NE
H Place NE between 18th Street NE and 19th Street NE
H Street NE between 19th Street NE and 20th Street NE
Hamlin Street NE between 15th Street NE and 16th Street NE
Hoover road NE between Lawrence Street NE and Monroe Street NE
K Street NE between Bladensburg Road NE/Oates Street NE and 17th Place NE
Kirby Street NW between Morgan Street NW and N Street NW
L Street NE between Bladensburg Road NE and 17th Place NE
Lyman Place NE between Bladensburg Road NE and 17th Street NE
Michigan Avenue NE between 9th Street NE and 10th Street NE
Michigan Avenue NE between Michigan Avenue NE and 9th Street NE
Penn Street NE between 5th Street NE and 6th Street NE
Rand Place NE between Bladensburg Road NE and 22nd Street NE
South Dakota Avenue NE between Allison Street NE and Sargent Road NE
South Dakota Avenue NE between Quincy Street NE and 18th Street NE
Staples Street NE between Neal Street NE and Oates Street NE
Staples Street NE between Oates Street NE and Levi’s Street NE
V Street NE between 9th Street NE/Brentwood Road NE and Dead-End NE
W Street NW between North Capitol Street Bn and 1St Street NW
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MPCA Zoom Meeting March 7
Ralph Bucksell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MPCA Meeting
Time: Mar 7, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 4429 0854
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Meeting ID: 848 4429 0854
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1. Information on Payment of Dues : Send Checks to P&C Bank 3806 12th St NE DC 20017
Send checks by mail to the bank with the annotation: Michigan Park Citizens Association Dues
2. Agreement on Burglar Alarm at Bunker Hill School with DC School Police
3. Zone 5 Parking Stickers for 1100 Block of Taylor Street
4. Extension of Bike Lanes to 12th St NE
5. DC Water discussion on street repair problems on Class B Highways
6. MPCA DPW Request for New Trash Can (September 2022) still not Completed. Asked DPW to provide Update by Next Month. The original completion date was scheduled for 11/2022. DPW says backlog. Last bin was destroyed by vehicle accident.
6. Need to Hire Professional to Redo MPCA Web Page
7. Other Upcoming discussions with DDOT on Travel Issues in City
8. MPCA Elections for New Officers
9. DC Recreation no longer allows meeting on weekdays. MPA can have in-person meeting at Turkey Thicket on Saturday ($30/hour). Thoughts/Would you attend?
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Brookland Lanes Project Meeting Link
We were unable to post the links to the meeting on our web page.
Therefore, if anyone would like to attend the meeting, please email Ralph Bucksell at
He will send you the link and the information on the meeting.
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Brookland Lanes Project Meeting 03 March 5pm
To attend the meeting with the developers of the Brookland Lanes Project on Friday, March 3,2023 at 5:00 PM,
Please click on the link immediately below:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Meeting with theDevelopers of the land between Michigan Avenue & Perry Place (on the west side of 10th Street) called the Brookland Lanes Project
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 219 854 871 102
Passcode: HcXc4U
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Please click on the attachment below to review their initial and proposed revision of the Project. The developers proposed a 337 unit building at the location. Please study the proposal. They are seeking input from the community on the Development design, and many neighbors have indicated that they also want to discuss the impact on the the neighborhood and parking impact on the neighborhood which
Please share this announcement with any neighbors that you think would be interested in attending the meeting.
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Registration for DPR Spring Programming Opens Next Week
Registration for Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) spring programming opens next week. Registration opens:
Noon on Wednesday, March 1 for aquatics programs ONLY.
Noon on Thursday, March 2 for all other spring programs.
DPR programs offered this spring include:
Aquatics programs, including learn to swim, aquatic fitness, senior aquatics, water polo and lifeguard instruction.
Team sports and athletics, including soccer, kickball, volleyball, gymnastics, baseball/softball/tee-ball, pickleball, tennis, and flag football.
Out-of-school time programs like DC Public Schools (DCPS) Fun Day (March 10) and DCPS spring break camp (April 18 – 21).
Additional activities include fitness programs, senior programming, dance, candle-making, music, and movie nights.
Residents are encouraged to create an account online with DPR’s registration system in advance to save time once program registration opens. To create an account, visit
For more information and a complete list of DPR programs, visit
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Free Steering Wheel Locks Available for Pick Up at MPD District Stations
DC residents who own a 2011-2021 Kia or Hyundai vehicle are eligible to receive a free steering wheel lock from a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) District station starting today, Friday, February 24.
A social media trend of how to steal the cars, which was made public during the summer of 2022, directly increased the number of motor vehicle thefts nationwide involving Hyundai and Kia vehicles.
To prevent car thefts, free steering wheel-locks are available at the following MPD District stations on a first-come, first-serve basis while supplies last:
First District: 101 M Street SW
Second District: 3320 Idaho Avenue NW
Third District: 1620 V Street NW
Fourth District: 6001 Georgia Avenue NW
Fifth District: 1805 Bladensburg Road NE
Sixth District: 5002 Hayes Street NE
Seventh District: 2455 Alabama Avenue SE
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Applying to DC Schools
1. PK2-8th Grade Applications
2023–2024 Lottery Application
Deadline for PK3–8th grade applicants 1 March 2023
Apply here:
2. School Finder
Start your school search by using the School Finder. Each student can apply to up to 12 schools on the My School DC application. Search by address, grade, and program type to find DCPS and public charter schools near you. You can also identify your DCPS in-boundary schools using this tool. An in-boundary school is a DCPS school that a student has a right to attend in kindergarten through Grade 12 based on a student’s home address without submitting a My School DC application.
Look here:
You can download, email, and print your School Finder searches. The School Finder is available in English and Spanish.
3. Find Help Applying
My School DC is happy to support students and families through the online application process.
Call the My School DC Hotline at (202) 888-6336 for application assistance, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or email We have a great team that provides multilingual support by way of bilingual staff and telephonic interpreters.
If you’re searching for a public computer near you, use this tech locator developed by Connect.DC to search by address for public computer access near your home. The My School DC application is also mobile-friendly.
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12th Street Tree Removal
Topic: Trees Removal on 12th Street NE
EYA has provided the following Information from DDOT regarding trees along 12th Street NE.
This topic will be discussed at the ANC meeting on February 9th. If you would like to attend, the link to the Emily Zoom meeting is found immediately below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 1017 5455
Passcode: 355348
Call in Number: 1 301 715 8592
Dear Ralph,
We are reaching out to let you know that the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) has informed us that they will need to remove some of the trees along 12th Street NE. The removal is due to the declining health of the trees and DDOT’s fear that the trees could fall onto the sidewalk, the street or the playground during a storm.
Three trees on the east side of 12th Street NE, near our homes and the playground, will be removed. One tree was hit by a car, making the tree unstable. The other two trees are largely hollowed out at the bast due to age and disease/fungus. Nine trees will also be removed on the west side of the street (across from our community).

12th Street Trees
DDOT has agreed to develop a tree replacement plan in coordination with the ANC prior to any removals. The ANC is hosting a meeting with the City’s urban forester in order to identify the trees that need to be removed, reasons why, replacement recommendations, and timing.
EYA is an advocate for tree preservation and will be actively engaged in the interactions with the City and the ANC in the coming months. We have met with the urban forester, a member of Councilmember Parker’s staff, the ANC, and at our request, a member of the Casey Trees staff, to ensure that all efforts are being made to preserve the trees if possible and to only remove trees that are truly hazardous. Casey Trees is a local tree advocacy organization that supported our approvals due in part to our tree save plan and has agreed to act as a neutral party in ongoing conversations with the urban forester. We will lobby to preserve as many trees as possible and to replace with quality trees if removal is necessary.
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