MPCA Zoom Meeting March 7

Ralph Bucksell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MPCA Meeting
Time: Mar 7, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 848 4429 0854
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1. Information on Payment of Dues : Send Checks to P&C Bank 3806 12th St NE DC 20017
Send checks by mail to the bank with the annotation: Michigan Park Citizens Association Dues

2. Agreement on Burglar Alarm at Bunker Hill School with DC School Police

3. Zone 5 Parking Stickers for 1100 Block of Taylor Street

4. Extension of Bike Lanes to 12th St NE

5. DC Water discussion on street repair problems on Class B Highways

6. MPCA DPW Request for New Trash Can (September 2022) still not Completed. Asked DPW to provide Update by Next Month. The original completion date was scheduled for 11/2022. DPW says backlog. Last bin was destroyed by vehicle accident.

6. Need to Hire Professional to Redo MPCA Web Page

7. Other Upcoming discussions with DDOT on Travel Issues in City

8. MPCA Elections for New Officers

9. DC Recreation no longer allows meeting on weekdays. MPA can have in-person meeting at Turkey Thicket on Saturday ($30/hour). Thoughts/Would you attend?

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