Michigan Park Citizens Association
Membership Meeting
November 11, 2014
Howard University School of Divinity
President Paul Wood called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. The Treasurer being absent, no report was read. Minutes of the October meeting were approved unanimously.
Paul reported that the new plantings at the park at 12th Street and Michigan Avenue are thriving. Pictures are available on the website. Paul contacted a plumber who visited the site and examined the water source.
Brookland Metro development
Paul introduced Rosalyn Doggett, Senior Real Estate Advisor and Metro TOD (transit oriented development) specialist responsible for negotiating the lease agreement with developers of the Brookland Metro site. Ms. Doggett in turn introduced Jason Davis of MRP Realty and Bill Cummings of CAS Reigler who are working as a team on a preliminary proposal for two buildings on the “north parcel” which includes the current Kiss and Ride area and the land adjacent to the Charles Drew Bridge, but not the “Brookland Green.”
Under this proposal, the Kiss and Ride would remain in its current location, but under one of the buildings. The two buildings would be “moderate height” (about 70 feet) and together would include about 280 living units. The first floors would be composed of small retail spaces, with parking “below grade.” Metro would continue to own the land.
Ms. Doggett expects that Metro will reach a lease agreement with the developer early next year. Community meetings and other opportunity for public comment will occur during the summer. The development will require a PUD (Planned Unit Development) which also allows for community input before the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
In addition to matters of proposed uses, building massing, building height and preservation of the Brookland Green, attenders questioned CAS Reigler on the inclusion of affordable housing. The CAS Reigler representatives assured the MPCA that the terms of the lease agreement would have no impact on the mix of units to be included in the proposed development and would not preclude the inclusion of affordable housing or multiple bedroom units appropriate for family housing.
Paul thanked James Watkins for designing the flyers and Ralph Bucksell for distributing them to neighbors and members who do not use e-mail.
Due to the expense and work required to produce and distribute a paper newsletter, the Association’s ordinary means of communication will be through the MPCA website, the Michigan Park and Brookland listservs, and email. Every few months, paper flyers announcing meetings and important events will be distributed to those who do not use the internet.
New Business
Ralph announced that Councilmember McDuffie will be hosting a “Public Safety Forum” at Turkey Thicket on November 17th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The purpose of the forum is to address recent violence and crime in Ward 5. MPD 4th and 5th District Commanders will attend.
In the new year, Paul will invite representatives from DDOT to speak to the Association about plans for traffic management and safety issues in Michigan Park.
Paul encouraged members to contact the Capital Bikeshare program to request Bikeshare stations in Michigan Park. One can request a station by visiting the website https://www.capitalbikeshare.com/stations and clicking on “Suggest a Station Location.”
The Annual Christmas Potluck will be held at the Gribbin’s house at 3800 13th Street, NE on December 2nd. The potluck will follow a short meeting beginning at 7:00 pm.