Michigan Park Citizens Association
Regular Monthly Meeting
February 2, 2016
Elsie Stokes School
First Vice President opened the meeting at 7:15 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roxanne noted that the December meeting minutes were not available for review. She thanked Vinnie Wohlfarth for hosting the December Christmas party at Wohlfarth Galleries.
Elizabeth McGowan, delegate to the Federation of Citizens Associations, gave an update on the proposed merger of Pepco and Excelon and noted that the information was posted on the Association’s website.
David Conrad gave an update for the Garden Committee. He met with an representative of DGS (Department of General Services) at the triangle park (Michigan/12th/Sheperd) in December. DGS had been asked by DPR (Department of Parks and Recreation), who maintains the park, to consider installing the yard hydrant for our use. David will follow up with both departments.
Roxanne Carter purchased Christmas gifts of clothes and educational items for four children from three families who attend Bunker Hill Elementary School. See Photo.
EYA representatives Tessa Quintanilla and Evan Goldman provided an update on the planned development of the Saint Joseph’s Seminary property. They explained that EYA is a company based in Bethesda, Maryland that focuses on urban infill developments. EYA has completed around 30 projects over the last 20 years. Mr. Goodman stated the once projected number of 150-160 townhouses is not longer under consideration, but he would not commit to a new number. He noted that a recent survey identified increased traffic, decrease in home values and loss of green space as the three major concerns of nearby residents. Mr. Goldman then separately addressed each of the concerns.
- On Property Values:Chancellor Row is the EYA development closest to Michigan Park. In the Chancellor Row development, the first phase houses sold for $530,000 and the last phase sold for $750,000. Existing homes in the vicinity of Chancellor Row sold from $340,000 to $570,000 during the same time frame. EYA cited this as evidence that this development by EYA did not depress neighboring home values.
- OnGreen space: EYA is currently proposing to preserve the south, east and west sides of the property immediately adjacent to the existing building. EYA is working with Hayden Wetzel to obtain historic designation of the seminary building and a public easement of the proposed green space. Additionally, EYA:
- Will landscape the east side to the nunnery’s entrance.
- Will build a playground and benches to the west side near the bus-stop.
- Will work with bike share to get a station near the bus-stop.
- Will place another public space inside the development.
- OnTraffic. Neighbors were concerned about traffic on 13th Street and Alison Street NE. EYA is proposing to connect Webster Street between 13th and 12thand in a manner that traffic may only enter Webster Eastbound from 12th Street northbound. Webster will be a private road so residences on the south side of Webster who don’t have an alley will have their parking spaces. All other houses have either 1 or 2 parking spaces. EYA will work with DDOT about making any street a one-way street. The large trees on 12th street will be preserved and utility lines will not run under them. Existing utility lines will not be under grounded.
Tessa Quintanilla talked about the design of previous projects and how it blends in with the existing neighborhoods. Michigan Park is primarily red brick and they will design houses with brick in front and back.
Questions were fielded about the utility under grounding, the public space, the private road and the traffic (info is already in the bullet points above)