Michigan Park Citizens Association
March 1, 2016
Ross Auditorium in Providence Hospital.
- Roxanne Carter opened the meeting the pledge of allegiance.
- Minutes of previous meetings:
a. Roxanne read the December minutes. December minutes approved.
b. Kathleen Sutherland read the February minutes. Item to add: Roxanne Carter purchased Christmas gifts of clothes and educational items for 4 children from 3 families who attend Bunker Hill Elementary School. With this addition the February minutes were approved. - Treasurer Report. Beulah Sutherland read and submitted the treasurers report. She will send a pdf copy to David Conrad for inclusion in the record.
a. Robert Oliver offered information of IRS rules that allow organizations with annual budgets or assets under $5,000 to act as non-profit organizations without applying for 501c3 status. He will forward documentation. - MPCA Nominating Committee 2016/17: 3 members are required. Don Looney, Paul Wood, Vinnie Wohlfarth and Barbara Henderson were nominated for the committee. Roxanne Carter will contact Paul and Vinnie about their willingness to serve on the nominating committee. The election of officers for the coming year is scheduled for May 3, 2016.
- MPCA and Queens Chapel Civic Association are jointly sponsoring a community meeting with MPD Chief Cathy Lanier. The meeting is scheduled on 10 March 2016,
7:00 PM, at Wesley AME Zion Church 1860 Michigan Ave NE Washington DC 2001. - Shepherd Street Park:
a. Spring Clean Up at the Shepherd Street Park scheduled for 23 April.
b. David reported that there is no news on DPR/DGS willingness to install the yard hydrant at the park.
c. Ralph B suggested the Greater Brookland Garden Club might be persuaded to contribute some funds for the installation. He will contact the club to inquire. - MPCA Spring Picnic Scheduled for June 4, 2016.
- Federation of Citizens Associations: Elizabeth M. reported on the last meeting of the federation.
a. Pepco/Excelon merger opposed.
b. Donovan Anderson ANC and also of the Alcohol Control Board made a presentation to the federation. The Control now has inspectors on a 7 day/3 shift rotation. MPCA if it so wishes could be placed on the Control Board notification lists. Hot line for Alcohol Control Board Related Complaints: 202 329 634. - Council Member McDuffie’s office was represented by Diamond Wade.
a. NEAR (Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results) Amendent Act of 2016 has passed a second reading by the City Council. The NEAR Act takes a public health approach to crime prevention. More information is available on the council members website. http://www.kenyanmcduffie.com.
b. Chanell Autrey Legislative Counsel is the contact person in the McDuffie office on this matter. Her email contact: Cautery@dccouncil.us - Josephites Seminary Property:
a. There was extended discussion of the value of the play field on the Joshephites Seminary Property to the community. Acknowledging that the property is currently private land the notion of the city acquiring the property with the intent of preserving the open space for public use as a park was broached.
b. Diamond Wade suggested Tai Meah Senior Legislative Counsel of the McDuffie office might have procedural and other information of use. - Brookland Middle School:
a. Security continues to be a significant problem.
b. Students are harassing and even assaulting fellow students after school. Drug dealing occurs at the DPR playgrounds.
c. Marijuana smoking and dealing is prevalent.
d. There have been incidents of students harassing and threatening neighborhood adults.
e. Police action and enforcement appears absent.
f. These issues will be raised at the 10 March meeting with Chief Lanier. - MPCA membership: The meeting with Chief Lanier seems to be an opportune moment to promote MPCA membership. Roxanne C will make an announcement at the community meeting.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM