Michigan Park Citizens Association
May 3, 2016
Providence Hospital, Ross Auditorium
President Paul Wood opened meeting on May 3, 2016 at 7:20 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes for April meeting were approved with corrections. Treasurer Report for April was reported and submitted by Beulah Sutherland.
Recommendation by President Wood and Don Looney to hand deliver or mail quarterly or semi-annual newsletter digest, as well as continue with the e-mail and listserv announcements. The association supported the recommendation in an effort to reach out more to more neighbors and MPCA members.
Garden Committee
April Spring Clean-up – President Wood acknowledged the efforts of Don Looney and Elizabeth McGowan for procuring mulch for the Spring clean up. Don and Elizabeth transported mulch to the park for the Spring cleanup.
Federation of Citizens Association
No Federation meeting in April
Bunker Hill Family Fun day was held on April 30, 2016. Association recruited one new member. President Wood thanked all volunteers (Roxanne Carter, Barbara Henderson, and Terri Sallay).
Spring Potluck – Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:00pm-8:00pm location is at the Mollers house, 1609 Michigan Avenue NE. Further information to be provided.
June Fair at the HSC – Saturday, June 11, 2016 10:00am-4:00pm. President Wood to confirm MPCA participation. Volunteers are needed.
Other Business
Association received a thank you letter from Councilmember McDuffie’s in reference to the condolences sent in the passing of his father.
The association sent a letter of support for San Antonio to have outdoor seating and serving of alcohol. Letter of support was sent to ANC Commissioner Feeley. Ralph Bucksell reported that the petition for San Antonio to have outdoor seating and serving of alcohol was approved and passed by all ANC’s and the service will start on May 4, 2016.
Update on Howard University Divinity School development – Maybelle Bennett from Howard University updated the Association on the Howard University East Campus Redevelopment (Howard Divinity School). Ms. Bennett briefed the association were they were in the process and how the community can participate. The Board of Trustees has selected Urban Land Institute (ULI) to conduct a study. They stated that the University is not in the sell mode, and the Divinity School building will remain. Development around the school will be open land to include housing. There will be input from the community in reference to the development, green space, security and safety, and wildlife. There will be a panel of experts with no vested interest selected between June 12th and June 17th, with the findings to be provided back to the community. They will also be interviewing community members for their input and knowledge of community and history. Anyone who would like to volunteer was asked to sign-up, and they would be contracted in reference to interview process and time.
St. Joseph’s Seminary development. EYA will be submitting a PUD during the month of May 2016. Terri Sallay mentioned that the Association should clarify that it hasn’t taken a position on the development. President Paul Wood, related that it has been stated in previous minutes and there is a notice on the website. Ralph Bucksell reported to the association on behalf of Vinnie Wohlfarth that there was posting on the Brookland Bill board on Newton St. and 12th in reference to the Association voting on a position to the development. Kathleen Sutherland mentioned that the Association reiterate or restate that the Association has not taken a position on the St. Joseph’s Seminary development. President Paul Wood will reach out to the relevant ANC Commissioners and Councilmember McDuffie to reiterate that MPCA has not taken a position on the Seminary site development.
Nominating Committee submitted officer slate for MPCA 2016-2017 election as follows:
President – David Conrad
1st. Vice-President – Roxanne Carter
2nd Vice-President – Don Looney
Treasurer – Beulah Sutherland
Secretary – Paul Wood
At-Large Members – Ralph Bucksell, Anne Gribbins, Barbara Henderson, Terri Sallay
Sergeant-at-Arms – Vacant
Membership Secretary – Vacant
Council Member Kenyan McDuffie – Diamond Wade from councilmembers McDuffie’s office reported to the Association. Ms. Wade was to check with the Constituent Services Representative in reference to assistance on the Park at 12th and Shepherd St. N.E. and request for water spigot.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:28pm