MPCA Meeting (Zoom) 15 March 2022

Michigan Park Citizens Association Meeting (Zoom)
   March 15, 2022, Tuesday, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 851 6756 3954
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Meeting Agenda:

1. Association needs secretary, treasurer, membership secretary, new officer board.

2. Volunteers to work on 12th Street, Shepherd Street, & Michigan Avenue Park for Spring and Fall maintenance.
3.  Decisions on funding Bunker Hill Christmas Project & Civic Scholarship.
4.  Police recommendations on steps to secure home and vehicles..
5.  School children ringing door bells/ kicking doors (Principal deals with students & their parents).
6. Neighbor Raised Issues
a.  “No Right turns on Red ” signs needed (14th  & Michigan and 12th & Taylor –North west corner)
b.  “Yield to Pedestrians, Right turns from right lane only” signs needed at 12th and Michigan –North east corner.
c.  “15 MPH” sign on streets in school zones- (Let us implement Mayor’s Safe Streets Initiative).
-Problems for parents walking and biking with children;
-Young children crossing local streets all day from schools without on-site recreation areas must cross major thoroughfares surrounding schools, day care and recreation centers.
d  Zone 5 parking permits for residents of 1000 block of Taylor Street, 10th Street, and 12th Street who do not have or their current on-street parking is being removed.
e.  Problem of parking for new expanded condo buildings on Taylor Street who are adding additional housing units without on-site parking.  Poor planning by city.
f.  Proposed bike lanes, increasing transfer station trash, and drag racing on Taylor Street.
g.  Speeding on streets endangering our large number of young children on our side streets and the increasing requests for speed bumps.
h.  Enforcement needed for traffic violations (e.g. vehicles speeding & not stopping at cross walks.
i.  DDOT needs to update map to reflect the truck restrictions on neighborhood streets reflecting those blocks have posted weight limits for trucks of 1 1/4 tons.  Also, begin ticketing violators on our streets that are currently listed as no travel streets for truck traffic (12th St. between Taylor & Michigan Avenue).
j.  Fix raised bump at the intersection of 10th & Taylor.  Speeding trucks and cars disturb neighbors day and night.  Several neighbors believe that the constant speeding traffic over the bump also is also causing damage to their homes.  Two of the large Oak Trees have been hit as the bump causes vehicles to veer towards the right.  The oak tree next to the bus stop has been hit twice.  As the metro bus stop is right next to this tree, the bump may cause people waiting at the bus stop to be hit.
 K. Expand the 2 narrow crosswalks on Varnum St. at 12th Place, and add signs to remind drivers to stop for pedestrians.
h.  City needs to heavy up the Taylor street block from Michigan Avenue to 12th and Taylor Street.  This change would allow truck traffic not have to travel on other residential streets in the neighborhood which almost all are restricted for trucks over 1 1/4 tons.  Neighbors report that these trucks are causing damage to their homes.  As Taylor Street is a class B highway, the federal government would cover 80 percent of the costs of the update.  The renovation of the street to handle the heavy traffic would also solve the problem of the broken water main at 12th Place and Taylor Street.  I have reported the broken water main problem twice.  I am aware that it has been repaired 3 times.

i.  Request a meeting with DDOT officials to discuss traffic issues and problems in the neighborhood.  DDOT has made a number of commitments over the years but have not kept most of them.  We will record the meeting minutes of the meeting as ask DDOT to confirm in writing their agreements with us.

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