Applying to DC Schools

1. PK2-8th Grade Applications

2023–2024 Lottery Application
Deadline for PK3–8th grade applicants 1 March 2023
Apply here:

2. School Finder
Start your school search by using the School Finder. Each student can apply to up to 12 schools on the My School DC application. Search by address, grade, and program type to find DCPS and public charter schools near you. You can also identify your DCPS in-boundary schools using this tool. An in-boundary school is a DCPS school that a student has a right to attend in kindergarten through Grade 12 based on a student’s home address without submitting a My School DC application.

Look here:

You can download, email, and print your School Finder searches. The School Finder is available in English and Spanish.

3. Find Help Applying
My School DC is happy to support students and families through the online application process.

Call the My School DC Hotline at (202) 888-6336 for application assistance, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or email We have a great team that provides multilingual support by way of bilingual staff and telephonic interpreters.

If you’re searching for a public computer near you, use this tech locator developed by Connect.DC to search by address for public computer access near your home. The My School DC application is also mobile-friendly.


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