Michigan Park Citizens Association
Membership Meeting
Howard University School of Divinity
February 3, 2015
President Paul Wood called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. The December minutes were approved with one minor amendment. Beulah Sutherland gave the Treasurer’s report.
Paul introduced Association officers to the new attendees and gave a brief history of the MPCA. About six of the new attendees had received the postcard sent by Terri Sallay advertising the meeting.
Paul introduced James Cheeks, Chief Traffic Engineer of the Transportation Safety Engineering Branch of the DDOT Traffic Operations Administration, (james.cheeks@dc.gov) who in turn introduced the members of his team. The TOA collects, manages and analyzes transportation data such as vehicle crashes, pedestrian crashes and traffic counts and disseminates its findings to relevant parties in the agency. Paul asked Mr. Cheeks to address how the DDOT:
1) evaluates specific requests for traffic calming measures
2) addresses the reporting of a specific potential hazard
3) plans to manage the increasing number of bicycles for safe inclusion with vehicular traffic and pedestrians
Mr. Cheeks explained that requests for traffic calming can be made through the District-wide 311 city services number or 311 Online. TOA employee Connie Wheeler (connie.wheeler@dc.gov), who receives the service requests concerning traffic safety, said that if the caller leaves a name and telephone number with his message, she can contact the caller for more specific information about the problem and its location. TOA will send safety engineers to inspect the problem area and make recommendations to the appropriate agency. Similarly, a Traffic Calming Investigation may be requested by completing a detailed application on 301 Online: http://app.311.dc.gov/CWI/ServiceRequest.mvc/SRIntakeStep2/SPSTDAMA?guid=5c7fb0789e13418a868944ce33e5f4ed&srID
Mr. Cheeks advised that residents should gather and present as much information as possible to TOA. They should get the signatures and support of all neighbors and businesses affected by the problem and should seek the support of the ANC and neighborhood associations.
Mr. Cheeks and his team members also gave updates on:
Efforts to complete and connect bike lanes within the city. At present, bike lanes often end abruptly with no path designated for the cyclist to continue.
The new HAWK Pedestrian Signal (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK) being installed in selected locations across the city. The HAWK is a signal-beacon designed to help pedestrians safely cross busy streets.
Intersection at South Dakota Avenue and 33rd Street, between Costco and Goodwill, which has a new traffic signal and is working well, though it may need “some tweaks.”
DDOT will revisit the intersection when Lowe’s Home Improvement opens.
Association members reported traffic and safety problems within the neighborhood, including:
1) Heavy trucks using Taylor Street between South Dakota and Michigan Avenues
2) Signal light at 20th Street and South Dakota Avenue gets “hung up,” letting 2 cars through after waiting many minutes
3) Intersection of Eastern Avenue and Bladensburg Road: Left turn signal too short, causing back-up on Eastern Avenue
4) Need for flashing yellow light at 14th Street and Michigan Avenue for the safety of students attending Bunker Hill School
5) Problem at intersection of Michigan Avenue, 10th Street, and Bunker Hill Road, where no light controls cars coming from Comcast – Suggestions to make Bunker Hill Road one way from Comcast – Ralph will write a service request for the intersection.
6) Speeding over uneven pavement on Upsher Street between 12th and 13th Streets.
7) Some streets too narrow for large SUVs – should be made one-way.
8) Open Service requests for:
Temporary asphalt curb on 4300 block of 18th Street
Tree roots buckling sidewalk at South Dakota Avenue and Taylor Street
9) Tom Lavash will send information on these service requests to TOA team member Wasim Raja wasim.raja@dc.gov
Marvin Owens, Pastor of Michigan Park Christian Church (at the corner of South Dakota Avenue and Taylor Street), announced that his congregation is looking for ways to partner with the MPCA. The church has developed a relationship with the HSC Pediatric Center, and given Christmas gifts to the children there. The church is particularly interested in focusing on the needs of young families and on education.
Paul spoke about the very impressive tour of the new Brookland School building, which is 100,000 square feet and uses green technology, such as its geo-thermal heating and cooling system.
Paul reminded members of the Casey Trees Riversmart Homes residential tree planting program. http://caseytrees.org/programs/planting/rsh/
Roxanne Carter reported that with a gift from the Christmas Fund, she took a mother with three young children Christmas shopping. They bought clothes, toys, and family games.
Ralph Bucksell reported that ANC member John Feeley wishes to coordinate with the MPCA regarding plans for the development at the Brookland Metro Station. Much of the land to be developed is in Michigan Park. Paul will also reach out to Mr. Feeley.
Paul announced that because of planned renovations to the Howard School of Divinity, the MPCA will hold only one more meeting there, on March 3rd, at the building. The April, May, and June meetings will be held at Providence Hospital.
The spring clean-up of the triangle park at 12th and Michigan Avenue is scheduled for April 25th.
Herald James Watkins suggested that MPCA explore the option of using PayPal for the payment of dues online. The proposal will be on the agenda for the March meeting.
Chanell Autrey, from Councilman Kenyan McDuffie’s office and life-time Michigan Park resident, introduced herself. She will serve as a liaison between MPCA and the Councilman’s office.
Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.