May 2015 Meeting

Michigan Park Citizens Association
Monthly Membership Meeting
May 5, 2015
Providence Hospital

At 7:05 pm President Paul Wood opened the meeting and led members in the Pledge of Allegiance.  fourteen members and eight guests, who had come for the crime prevention presentation, were present. Minutes from the April meeting were approved with no objection.  Treasurer Beulah Sutherland reported no income or disbursements since the last meeting.

Park Partnership – Paul reported on the successful clean-up of the park at 12th and Michigan.  Volunteers cleared trash and weeds from the park, cleaned up the bus stop, and transplanted the witch hazel near the bus stop.  Paul also reported that he will be sending in the application to the Casey Trees RiverSmart program for those who have requested shade trees to be planted for free on their private property.

NCC Parking Facility – Paul reported that DDOT will be performing a traffic study of the area affected by the planned parking facility (for the National Children’s Center) at 801 Bunker Hill Road, behind the Comcast building.  Paul sent a letter to Douglas Development (with copies to DDOT, Councilman McDuffie, and ANC Representative John Feeley) requesting that the study consider the impact on all traffic in the area of the facility, including:

a. Impact from the three hospital shifts that would rotate through the parking garage every 24 hours.
b. Impact of construction traffic on the neighborhood during the building of the parking garage.
c. Combined impact of Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, the new Brookland School, and shuttle buses at the Metro station.
d. The already dangerous intersection of Bunker Hill Road and 10th Street
e. The impact of 24-hour lights on residents should also be considered.

Joan Thiel’s motion that the Association support Paul’s letter was approved unanimously.

The need for a traffic study of the intersection at Michigan Avenue, Taylor Street and 13 Street was also discussed. This intersection is difficult for both motorists and pedestrians alike. Paul noted that this intersection is encompassed by the Edgewood-Brookland Livability Study. This study extend eastward from Edgewood along Michigan Avenue and includes the streets South of Taylor Street to this intersection and then Eastward to Taylor Street. However, the livability study appears focused on East-West traffic.  Paul will ask that DDOT address the significant amount of North-South traffic along 12th and 13th Streets which also greatly impact the neighborhood.

Guest Speaker – Samantha Nolan, Citywide Neighborhood Watch Trainer   Ms. Nolan, a full-time volunteer for the MPD conducts training sessions all over the city in order to educate residents about the 80% of crime which is preventable.  Her presentation covered four basic areas of preventable crime in DC neighborhoods:  burglary, robbery and assault, vehicle theft and tampering, and sexual assault.  The presentation, which lasted an hour and a quarter, was detailed and useful.  To attend a training session, email Samantha Nolan: .  To learn more about Neighborhood Watch, go to where you can also download the Department of Justice’s Neighborhood Watch Training Manual  [PDF] and Tips for Reducing and Preventing Crimes of Opportunity [PDF]

Election of Officers – Paul introduced the slate of candidates which, with the exception of the position of Secretary, was the same as the current office holders.  All the candidates were unanimously approved.  The position of Secretary is still open. Elected officers are:

President Paul Wood
First VP Roxanne Carter
2nd VP Terri Sallay
Treasurer Beulah Sutherland
Secretary Vacant
Herald James Watkins
Membership Secretary Don Looney
Sergeant-at-Arms Barbara Henderson
At-Large Members David Conrad, Ralph Bucksell, Gwendolyn Means

The meeting was adjourned at 08:30.

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