Michigan Park Citizens Association
7 March 2017
Providence Hospital
NOTE: The following draft minutes are pending approval by membership.
President David Conrad opened the meeting at 7:18 pm by leading members in the Pledge of Allegiance. A few announcements were made. The annual planned Spring cleanup for the public park at 12th, Michigan and Shepherd is planned for Saturday, 22 April 2017. John Feeley, ANC 5B05 Commissioner, will host a meeting on Monday, 13 March 2017, at Turkey Thicket, to hear a Catholic University of America Professor brief university student ideas about developing the Colonel Brook’s site. Treasurer Beulah Sutherland read the treasurer’s report. The February minutes were read and accepted with corrections.
NOMINATION PROCESS. President Conrad reviewed the annual process for selection association officers and asked for volunteers to serve on a nomination committee. The three members of the 2017 Nomination Committee are Lorenz Wheatley, Ralph Bucksell and Don Looney.
ROSS AUDITORIUM. Providence Hospital is now owned by Ascension. Mr. Bucksell will approach hospital management about continued use of Ross Auditorium for association meetings.
Comprehensive Plan with amendments. The new comprehensive plan with amendments has been submitted. EYA must abide by this plan. The developers of Colonel Brook’s property did not abide by the comprehensive and their development plans were halted. President Conrad will forward ANC Commissioner Feeley’s letter regarding the plan to endorse or oppose by MPCA membership. The ANCs are our voice in development, and we would oppose reduction of that voice in the process.
TRAFFIC. On January 24th, 2017, the association hosted a meeting about traffic attended by EYA. President Conrad drafted an association position about traffic and Input was received during the meeting. Vice President Roxanne Carter moved that the position paper with changes be accepted. The motion passed.
HOWARD DIVINITY SCHOOL. The University had reached out to the neighborhood and some members of MPCA had participated in feedback sessions to develop a concept for development. Howard University is now looking for a developer to develop a site plan.
SPRING CLEANUP. The park cleanup (12th/Michigan/Shepherd) is scheduled for Saturday, 22 April, 9:00-12:00.