Michigan Park Citizens Association
4 April 2017
Providence Hospital
President David Conrad opened the meeting and Mr. Paul Wood led the attendees in the pledge of the allegiance. Ms. Beulah Sutherland read the treasurer’s report.
Ms. Marita Riddick, representative of Councilmember McDuffie, provided updates on legislative initiatives.
Ms. Sutherland distributed a petition to membership who wish to support D.C. Council Bill 22-0044 to provide D.C. income tax reductions for retired Federal and DC employees, exempt elderly home owners, and allow seniors to deduct $500 of their insurance premiums from taxable income. Details may be requested from the Coalition to Restore the Pension Benefit Annuity at restoredcpensionbenefit@gmail.com.
The annual Spring cleanup for the triangle park at Michigan Ave/12th ST/Shepherd ST is scheduled for Saturday, 22 April, 09:00-12:00.
President Conrad noted that MPCA’s position in opposition to the planned EYA development of Saint Joseph’s Seminary has been recorded. A hearing is scheduled April 27 at 441 4th Street, 2nd Street.
Ms. Elizabeth McGowen, MPCA representative to the D.C. Federation of Citizens Association, noted a recent presentation to the Federation about the LED street light issue. Ms. McGowen invited the presenters to our meeting, and introduced them to the membership. Ms. Delores Bushong and Sharon Turner helped form The Street Light Task Force in December 2016 to inform residents in DC of the harmful health impacts of blue-rich LED street lights that DDOT is installing on our neighborhoods. LED is a new, inexpensive lighting technology. LED lighting is not measured in WATTs but in lumens and Kelvins. Lumens refers to brightness and Kelvins refers to the wavelength colors. LEDs has a high percentage of blue. The DC government is installing 4,000 to 5,000 kelvins which glare in the eyes. The American Medical Association (AMA) recommends 2,700 kelvins. The cost of the LED bulbs at the lower kelvins is the same and there is not a difference in brightness. The 2,700 kelvins LEDs are only 5% less efficient. The presenters stated that DDOT does not believe AMA’s proposal. The Street Light Task Force is seeking a moratorium on the installation of high Kelvin lights by DDOT and that our City Council required DDOT to use only warm-white 2700 Kelvin LED lights to retrofit those already installed.
METRO STATION DEVELOPMENT. Robin from CAS Riegler and Nina Albert, WMATA, discussed the planned development of metro land at on the East side of the Brookland/CUA Metro Station. They are looking with Ramada to build mid-high density with a mix of residential and street-level retail. This approach because of the metro station in the immediate vicinity to the development. The Brookland Green would remain.
BAZZUTO DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Robert Byrd representing Bazzuto noted that his organization is now working the height requirements for the 3.1 acres of Providence Hospital owned land at the top of Varnum Street NE. The development will replace the three-storied beige colored buildings. DDOT is waiting for the site survey before assessing traffic.
ANNNIE-ACE HARDWARE. Mr. Thomas Vedrody, part-owner of Annie-Ace Hardware, spoke about the store. ACE hired all the former employees of Brookland Hardware and buy much of their inventory locally. However, business has been less than anticipated and not adequate to support the store long-term. The owners believe the main problem is the lack of available parking. Mr. Vedrody noted that the large open lot next to the business is open to parking on weekends. Mr. Vedrody encouraged neighbors to visit. The store incorporates 7400 square feet and includes both a garden center and tool rental. The number of tools for rent is being expanded. Also, Mr. Vedrody recently began price matching as well.