Michigan Park Citizens Association Meeting
December 3rd, 2019
Turkey Thicket Recreational Center
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The treasurer’s report was read.
Following the brief meeting, members retreated to the home of Bill and Anne Gribbon for the Christmas Potluck. See the following notes.
DC Government Officials Reports/Comments
1. McDuffie’s request for input on Budget Priorities -See below
2. Comprehensive Plan Comments: John Feeley has returned as our ANC – Meeting with North Michigan Park Civic Association – Problems with Walmart, subsidize housing, middle income locked out, issue with going up for housing—-expense, raising taxes on small business and lack of local store and loss of traditional businesses; school problems (what DC government is creating with lack of raised expectation for students)
Every year, MPCA donates Christmas gifts to a needy family whose children attenbd Bunker Hill School. The family is identified by the Principal and is organized by Roxanne Carter who described the purchased gifts pictured below.
Traffic Issue and Survey – See below regarding:
1. Michigan Avenue & 10th Street; Michigan Avenue & 9th Street & Otis Street; Michigan Avenue & Perry Street; Michigan Avenue & 13th Street.
2. Truck Routing Map Update & Coordination with North Michigan Park Citizens Association; Brookland Civic Association; and Queen Chapel Civic Association.
McDuffie’s Budget Input Form Summery:
Affordable Housing: Increase emergency rental; assistance and vouchers; create new affordable housing for low income residents, -family of 4; increase workforce housing for moderate income -family of 4; Expand Safe at Home programs for seniors; preserve existing affordable housing stock; Produce new affordable housing units across DC
Open Space/Recreation/Arts: Increase senior recreation programming; expand the roving leaders program; create new recreation centers/parks; support extended hours at recreation centers; increase are education projects; support recreation in Ivy City.
Economic Development: Help residents to negotiate community Benefits Agreements; Support small and minority business creation retention, and growth; Certified Business Enterprise program support (compliance and access to capital); Support development that brings amenities such as grocery stores, recreation, and restaurants.
Environment: Increase access to energy-efficient home improvements for low income residents and seniors; close the W Street trash transfer station; provide clean rivers impervious area change relief for seniors and impacted institutions; expedite implementation of curbside composting.
Equity, Inclusion, & Culture: Implement a racial equity assessment tool across DC government; establish a commission to review names of potential offensive moments, streets, and schools in DC: build statues featuring people that reflect the diversity of Washington DC; encourage diversification in the asset management industry through reporting; preserve and promote go-go, DC home grown music genre.
Healthcare: Support and grown existing Ward 5 prenatal/maternal health centers; increase options for pregnant mothers to combat maternal mortality; increase access to senior healthcare services; create a hospital to service northeast and southeast DC; expand in-treatment behavioral heath facilities.
Human Services: Provide addiction prevention and rehabilitation for synthetic drugs; support the temporary assistance for needy families program; provide refugees with legal assistance; increase burial assistance; expand mental health services for people experiencing homelessness.
Education: Behavior heath supports in schools; increase the per pupil funding formal for opportunity schools; increase full-time behavior technicians and school counselors at opportunity schools; support birth-to-three efforts by subsidizing child development centers to increase access and quality.
Labor & Workforce: Expand access to building trades & technical training; create programs that support career development; Increase capacity of DC infrastructure academy; Expand offerings through UDC Community College Division of Workforce Development & lifelong Learning.
Infrastructure & Transportation: Increase sidewalk repairs; Increase road improvements; support Lincoln Connector Trail (pedestrian and bike); Increase traffic enforcement & Safety; Expand NY Avenue Pedestrian and bike infrastructure; Create a circulator route on NY Avenue; Support Bus rapid Transit
PublicSafety: Provide behavioral health supports for violence impacted residents at recreation centers; Increase violence prevention and violence interruption efforts using the NEAR Act’s public health-based approach; Expedite installation of police cameras; increase access for grief counseling; support domestic violence prevention.
Nothing further to report.