Please see attached and below update from DDOT on MBT Improvements:
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is completing the design of the remaining sections of the Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT). The MBT is an important transportation route, providing connections to home, work, and play. The MBT has been constructed in sections. When fully completed, the MBT will be an eight-mile trail that runs from Union Station to Silver Spring, MD. The latest section being designed connects the Fort Totten Metro Station to the Takoma neighborhood in NW Washington, DC. The preliminary design for this section was completed in 2016. DDOT with its consultant team is currently completing the final design of this section, which is scheduled to be completed by winter 2020. The key elements of the MBT under design include:
- New off-street and on-street trail segments
- Traffic calming features
- Storm water and low-impact development
- Traffic signals & Lighting
Project update materials including Powerpoint slide deck, Project Fact Sheet, and a detailed Project Map providing further information and update on the project have been made available on the project website http://metbranchtrail. com/. For more information regarding the project please contact DDOT Project Manager, Samer Alhawamdeh at
To submit comments or questions about this project, please use the following:
- Email:
- Telephone: 202.369.4637
- Mail: DDOT, ATTN: Met Branch Trail, 55 M Street SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC
If you need special accommodations, please contact Cesar Barreto at 202-671-2829 or If you need language assistance services (translation or interpretation), please contact Karen Randolph at 202-671-2620 or These services will be provided free of charge.
Kelley Cislo
Chair Pro Tempore
Council of The District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 506
Washington DC 20004
DIRECT: 202-724-8172
CELL: 202-412-0188
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