Temporary Lane Closures 16th Street Bridge

Temporary Lane Closures for 16th Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project from November 21 through December 2, 2022

(WASHINGTON, DC) — The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will temporarily close lanes on the 16th Street Bridge and on Piney Branch Parkway NW (from Arkansas Avenue NW to Beach Drive NW), as part of on-going 16th Street Bridge rehabilitation work.
The following temporary lane closures will occur from Monday, November 21 through Wednesday, November 23, 2022, and Monday, November 28 through Friday, December 2, 2022, weather permitting:
Piney Branch Parkway NW (from Arkansas Ave. to Beach Drive):
temporary one lane closure from 10am-2pm as needed to offload materials/equipment and perform drainage work.
16th Street NW:
One right, inner northbound lane on the bridge will be closed full-time to facilitate bridge deck removal and replacement 24 hours a day. Three lanes of 16th Street NW will always remain open.
During morning peaks hours, two southbound lanes and one northbound lane will be open. At all other times, two northbound and one southbound lane will be open.
The west sidewalk will remain closed. Pedestrian are advised to use the east sidewalk ONLY for north-south access across the bridge. Be mindful of advance warning signs giving directions for the lane diversion around the bridge.
Motorists are urged to obey traffic advisory instructions and use caution as they travel in these areas, to anticipate moderate delays, and to be mindful of construction personnel.
The District Department of Transportation’s mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia.

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