Mount Sinai Baptist Church Community Outreach for Families in Need – Sat May 21st 11am
Mount Sinai Baptist Church members are MAKING AN IMPACT FOR GOD by serving our COMMUNITY with an OUTREACH GIVE-AWAY for FAMILIES IN NEED. We will give away clothing items, books, a bag of groceries, and much more. The Give-Away will occur in the Parking Lot at 1646 Third Street NW. Our goal is to feed and clothe 100 families on Saturday, May 21st at 11:00 AM. Please feel free to share the attached flyers and Grocery Plus application for Seniors and join us as we serve our community.
Paula Stevens-Lassiter
Admin. Assistant
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
1615 Third Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
202-667-1833 ext. 2 Office
202-797-0663 Facsimile
Grocery Plus Healthy Food for Seniors Outreach Flyer 2022 (003)