DC Attorney General Invite

The DC Attorney General Invites Citizens to attend the following Documentary Screening and Discussion About Returning Citizens and Public Safety

When: Monday, November 14: 7:00 PM to 8:30
Where: UDC Theatre of the Arts, 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW
Register: aog.dc.gov/Redemtion
Questions: AOGCommunity@dc.gov
My office is partnering with More Than Our Crimes and the University of the District of Columbia, to host a screening of a new documentary, Redemption, highlighting the unique challenges DC’s returning citizens face. Following the 15-minute screening I’ll be joined by Councilmembers, local experts, and returning citizens to discuss ways we can better support our neighbors reentering society after incarceration and city-wide efforts to improve our criminal justice system.
Join us on November 14, at 7pm at UDC by registering at oag.dc.gov/Redemption. Hope to see you there!

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